Monday, December 22, 2014

The Zodiac Sign Aries

The Zodiac Sign Aries

Attributes of the Aries Sign

Planetary ruler: Mars    
Affiliated with: House 1
Duality: Assertive            
Color: Red
Modality: Cardinal          
Anatomy: Head and Face
Element: Fire    
Keywords: I am

Interpreting the Aries Sign

Aries signifies new beginnings, quick changes and turning points, as well as raw energy and human force. That force is fired up by the planet Mars, indicating a sense of impulsiveness and aggression.

Aries also represents leadership, action and focusing on the outward and onward. It has a pioneering, adventurous spirit and denotes independence, self confidence and an ability to take risks.

Possessing energy and fire, this Zodiac Sign has the courage to pursue goals impressively; always enthusiastic, energetic and ever ready to try new and extraordinary things. This Sign's energy is also competitive and decisive whenever facing challenges.

In relationships, Aries' admiring characteristics are integrity, faithfulness and love.

Every Sign has positive and negative energies. The following words describe the darker side of this Zodiac Sign: impatience, insecurity, a lack of follow through, hasty decisions, argumentative, destructive, violent and even cruel.

Aries Gift Ideas

 The Aries in your life loves gifts. Anything exciting, colorful and fun will make Aries happy. They love surprises... this will make their day. Don't worry about a fancy wrapping job... Aries is too impatient to appreciate it. They are focused on what's inside, not what you did to make it pretty. Aries can be very offended if you forget to give them something on their special day... so don't forget!

 When choosing a gift for Aries, don't forget their personality. They tend to be impulsive and active. Athletics may be one of their interests. They can be of fiery temperament, yet they love to play. Keep these things in mind when you go shopping for an Aries gift. Aries also rules the brain, the head and face. Gifts associated with these areas will be appreciated.

When choosing an Aries gift, don't think they'll appreciate that practical one you had your eye on, or one of those great organizational tools to help them keep everything in its place. Boring! Aries wants something challenging and exciting. Aries loves to be first... if a new trend is starting, make sure they are part of it!

If you still can't think of anything yourself based on this advice, here are some suggestions that Aries will love. Be sure and tailor these suggestions to your particular Aries.

Jewelry is always an appropriate gift. The bigger and more glamorous the better. Don't waste your time on cute little trinkets, go for the gemstones every time. Earrings, watches and necklaces head the list. Make sure they are dazzling... Aries loves a bit of flash.

Tickets to a sporting event they enjoy will make them happy. Likewise, gear for a sport they participate in is a good choice, as are clothing or hats emblazoned with their favorite teams.

Aries likes to stay active and learn new things. Find out what has been intriguing them lately and get them a how-to book on the subject, preferably with some materials to start their newest project. For example, if your Aries has been longing to knit, buy them a great instructional book with lots of diagrams and pictures as well as a pair of needles and some nice yarn.

Electronics of all types fascinate Aries. The newest gadget is sure to be a hit. Whether it is an iPhone, the latest videogame console or a GPS unit to keep in the car, Aries will love them all.

The kitchen is a great place for Aries. They love to cook. They also have a bit of a fascination with fire and sharp implements. A new set of knives may be just perfect, or a new barbecue. Failing that, a book on grilling may inspire them to create wondrous meals on the grill they already have. If you're lucky, you may get to be the guinea pig for many new recipes that will have to be tried. Shiny stainless steel pots and pans are another terrific gift idea for Aries.

Aries Sun Sign Personality

Aries Sun Sign Symbol
Those born under the Aries Sun Sign tend to be enthusiastic and energetic. They may be a bit impulsive, but they generally are very open to new ideas. Challenges give them the opportunity to shine.
A natural born leader, the Arian will find it difficult to be a follower. They find it too easy to step up and take charge.

People under the influence of this Sign may appear aggressive and restless due to their great energy. They can also be a bit headstrong and incredibly argumentative. Easily offended, they can also hold a grudge for quite a while. At the same time, they thrive on action and are not afraid to be forceful if needed. Some will utilize their energy positively by participating in sports or other athletic endeavors.

Aries Sun Sign can be very intellectual and objective, but in some situations they may appear to be extreme, such as in politics or religion. Their impulsiveness can lead to difficulties because they don't tend to look before they leap, but their optimism sees them through. This same impulsiveness, however, can also lead to clumsiness and accidents. Quick movements and not paying attention to where they are going can cause them some bumps, bruises and embarrassments. Since they are often involved in sports or extreme athletics, they need to learn to be aware of their movements.

Aries symbol
Aries Sun Sign has an affinity for mechanical things. Many born with this Sun Sign find themselves working on motors or drawn to hobbies or professions that involve cars or planes. Because they are drawn to activities that require courage, they may get involved in racing cars, the military or rescue work.

The Aries Sun Sign loves to socialize. They like the excitement and fun of getting out with friends and having a good time. They enjoy people who challenge them intellectually or offer something in the way of competition. Staying home bores and irritates them. They are born extroverts and may talk your ear off if given half a chance. Their personality is not subtle. They may be quick to rise to temper, but they also forgive easily in most cases. They tend to be honest to a fault, and may suffer a lack of tact because of it.

The Aries Sun Sign personality can be a bit self-absorbed, but can also be very generous. Many will jump to someone’s aid quickly without a thought for themselves. That’s why they often take to professions like paramedics, firefighters and peacekeepers. Many Arians are also interested in politics and may take part themselves. Others prefer to just keep arguing their point of view. This personality type rarely avoids confrontation, and would prefer to tackle problems head-on.

Sun Sign Aries will give themselves over completely to whatever it is they choose to do, although at times they may be obstinate to a fault, not always knowing when to quit or go to the other extreme and never finishing what they start.

Love Sign: Aries Venus

 Venus   Aries

Aries Venus is a daring flirt. Subtlety is not for them. Instead of shyly hoping you'll notice them, they will try to impress you by letting you know about their accomplishments. They are a bit self-centered, but the right person will find this endearing. Their innocent charm comes through even though they may be acting like a spoiled child. They are impulsive, impatient and passionate… in all areas the word for Aries Venus is "intense."

Those born with Venus in Aries can bring a childlike wonder to romance. They love to be active and energetic. They don't appreciate a "mature," vague or coy relationship. They love the chase and initial conquest. In order to keep their attention, you need to step it up to keep it new and fresh. They prefer their partner to be open and honest with them. They don't like playing games unless they're fun. Spontaneity adds fuel to their fire, and they'd rather be playful than serious. They like to lead, so be prepared to follow, at least most of the time. They will compete with you as fast as they will with anyone else. They don't like to lose when competing for someone's affections, and when they lose, they may be very irritable or moody.

Aries Venus falls fast and they are impulsive, so they can easily be attracted to many types of people. They get bored easily, and can lose interest just as quickly as they fell in love. They are very affectionate. If they get hurt, they are not afraid to stand up for themselves. When paired with a shyer soul, they can be a bit overwhelming. They like to have a little tension in a relationship to keep the excitement going… it creates that mental stimulation to spark their interest.

In friendship, Aries Venus likes to be the alpha personality in the group. They are generous, exciting and confident. They are not afraid to push the envelope just to see what happens. They are direct and honest, and won't try to pull the wool over your eyes. They have no patience with self-pity and insecurity. Those born with Venus in Aries are admired because of their independence, confidence and sheer energy. They have a lust for life that makes them attractive. Instead of talking about what they want to do, they're out there doing it.

The fastest way to turn off an Aries Venus is to make them read your mind or analyze a relationship. This is too much digging into the mind for this sign. They much prefer to be active and dynamic. They would prefer a good rousing fight to a heart to heart talk about where the relationship should go.

If a Venus in Aries person can learn a little patience and tolerance, they can find that everyone does not get boring after ten minutes. They need to learn to put the work into a relationship so it can be long term and satisfying for both partners. Drama doesn't have to be on the level of Mount Vesuvius, lesser amounts of excitement can add interest, too. If Aries Venus stops for a moment and truly figures out what they really want, they will have a much easier time attaining their desire.

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